Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg recently jumped into the Democratic primary race, hoping to buy his way to the presidential nomination. The billionaire media mogul’s strategy of running more than $30 million in national advertising quickly had the desired effect. He promptly leapfrogged California Sen. Kamala Harris and others in the polls, positioning himself for entrance into the left-wing party’s national television debates.
It’s no secret the field of candidates is weak, at best, with front runner “Sleazy” Joe Biden suffering constant memory lapses and telling bizarre fictions about his political history. Bloomberg is undoubtedly correct that flawed candidates such as Biden, “Crazy” Bernie Sanders, and Sen. Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren can be overtaken by a cash-flush campaign. After all, Hillary Clinton bought the DNC in 2016. Although he has given his minions at Bloomberg media marching orders to only target President Donald Trump and Republicans, he has a closet full of political problems of his own.
1: Bloomberg Backed Racially-Charged “Stop-and-Frisk” Policy
As Mayor of New York, Bloomberg was once a staunch supporter of the aggressive “stop-and-frisk” policy that allowed police officers the lawful right to conduct a body search of any citizen they pleased. While the policy was posed as a way to reduce street violence in high-crime neighborhoods, critics pointed to the uneven nature of its practical applications. African-Americans were reportedly overwhelmingly targeted for street searches. While officers did use it to go after known criminals, the policy routinely embarrassed black New Yorkers.
“Forgive many of us for questioning apologies a decade late and on the eve of a presidential run,” said New York City public advocate Jumaane Williams reportedly said. “It is not nearly enough to erase the legacy of the systemic abuses of stop-question-and-frisk on the people whose lives were harmed by over-policing, nor the communities criminalized by it.”
These days, Bloomberg is on an apology tour, hoping to garner African-American voter support. It’s not happening.
2: Bloomberg Gun Confiscation Scandal
Reports indicate that Bloomberg has thrown his billionaire wealth at the Virginia legislature in hopes of stripping citizens of the Second Amendment rights, and firearms. The New Yorker reportedly paid for influence by funding a pair of Virginia lawmakers who promptly filled bills retroactively banning guns.
According to the NRA, “SB 16, introduced by Sen. Richard L. Saslaw, would create a total ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, like the AR-15. Even worse, the ban would even extend to common firearm parts. The restrictions included in the proposed legislation does not grandfather current owners. The legislation is clearly designed to be firearms confiscation, as current owners would be forced to dispossess themselves of their property or face a felony conviction.”
Yes, Bloomberg is another radical liberal who wants to take away your guns.
3: Bloomberg Believes Trump would Crush the Current Field of Democrats
Based on the booming jobs market and president’s success in making good on all his campaign promises, it’s no secret that the 2020 election looks promising. But after watching a Democrat debate in which no candidate had a viable plan going forward, Bloomberg came to the conclusion none of them could win.
“I watched Trump) and said, ‘we just can’t have another four years of this.’ Then I watched all the candidates, and I just thought to myself, ‘Donald Trump would eat them up,’” Bloomberg said.
Given Fauxcahontas and Crazy Bernie want to roll out trillions in deficit spending, it’s safe to say he’s right about the president trouncing them in the general election. He appears blind to the fact that Trump would eat his lunch as well.
4: Bloomberg Cannot Be Trusted, By Anyone
The former New York mayor spent more than a decade in office. But over that period, he was more than willing to bow, scrape, and do whatever was necessary to remain in power. Bloomberg initially ran and was elected as a Republican from 2001 to 2007. When NYC was less receptive to having a Republican in charge, he changed and ran as an Independent in 2007. In 2018, he suddenly discovered he was a Democrat all along after noticing how pathetic the class of presidential hopefuls looks. It’s easy to see that Bloomberg is nothing more than an opportunist looking to further his own interest and satisfy his ego.
In an age when Democrat hopefuls used to rage at millionaires until they became wealthy and then started wagging their fingers at billionaires, why not try to buy your way into the White House as a hypocrite?