Robert Mueller’s Russia probe is over. It’s been fun, but we’re done with all that nonsense. Now, it’s time for the Trump Administration and Congress to get to the bottom of that fallacious document which cost the American people over $40 million dollars and ruined the financial and professional lives of dozens of people.
For 30 months, the Democrats have been pursuing Trump and anyone associated with him on the heft of lies and crimes that would make Serpico shudder. Well, the jig is up.
Believe us when we tell you — this is going to be good. For over two years, the left has kept President Trump from turning his full attention to the job of making America amazingly great again. Despite that, he’s done a better job of keeping his promises than any president in the last century — maybe ever.
Just imagine how much he’ll be able to get done when the left no longer has any real cards to play against him.
Sure, there are still plenty of lost souls who will persist in believing that Trump colluded with Russia. In the mental health industry, we have a name for that which might be too rude to use here. The left and the phony bologna news media are losing followers and viewers faster than a Statin patient loses glial cells.
Hannity calls this “The boomerang effect.” But we call it, “Making America Yuge Again.”
Here’s Fox News and Trey Gowdy with more on this story.